Change Direction

At the end of the day,

We change direction ,

Turn towards woods in lingering light.

The water shivers for our touch but we refuse to swim

For fear of never getting warm again.


Your grandmother’s photo is pinned

to supporting oak beams-

disappointing me,

she doesn’t look a bit like you-

healthy, tanned- younger there

younger than me,

Wearing a golden, yellow sash beneath a turning maple tree.


You’re busy cracking eggs

I am busy moving, quietly in love,

through your childhood summers.

My eyes steal over dog-eared books

From lost rainy days,

Battered board games

You and your brothers played,

my fugitive fingers trace you

in the yearly biro marks

Upon the larch wood door


The black marble elephant with the chipped trunk,

seems precious,

I hold it. I’ll hold on.

Till morning comes

When you’ll lead me back

Out of the woods

to pick up the road

We had abandoned

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