
I am so used to the green, round hill,
which the Victorians built
their pitiful maze upon,
that I forgot to see it
until Autumn,
when the precipice set ablaze.
Then the chalky hill seemed,
suddenly to me,
Stone flat.
Grinning rocks
of impermeable knowledge
Forcing their impressions into my
sleeping face.
Knowledge given to me from four years,
Then set aside to wait,
the backdrop of existence.
Knowledge that all things,
As firm and stable as fathers’ hands,
Pass in and out of life.
The first time a mountain cried before me
It looked over his father’s grave,
I crushed my little face into the side of
His coal grey pocket.
I look up now and let my eyes swim
between blazing oaks and greying horizon,
wondering how to fasten your root,
My roots,
with words to this earth.
Write this path,
our path,
which in your arms,
my tiny feet swept above,
into white chalk.
White, white chalk,
The secret thoughts
beneath the hillside’s brutal face,
yields to rainwater.
Loose feathered bones
lie beneath the chalk base.
Rainwater is making a womb
of all buried earth.
The top of the hill engulfs me,
there is some spell here
which outfoxes fixing words,
stops humans’ eyes from seeing
nocturnal hares,
tricks me into naming darkness death,
Stops me. Listening out for danger,
I’ve forgotten my guard over you, Father.
The best way home is back
along the river cuddling into the hillside.
We, like abandoned rabbit holes,
Have marked it.
Our family’s infancy wears around it,
as the indentation of cattle hooves
draw long and sloping grooves.
Maybe, Father, this will have to do.
I am heading back down the rough path,
which waits just outside the city,
The lights of home ahead,
The hillside
at my back.

4 thoughts on “Chalk

  1. Thank you SO much for sending this to me Kayleigh. Generally speaking I enjoy novels more than short stories or poems, BUT I love reading (and re-reading and re-reading) your poetry. I get more out of your poems each time I read them. Thank you again my friend. Mat

  2. Kayleigh,

    I sent my Mom the poem you sent me, Chalk, and here is a note she asked me to send you:

    Mat dear,

    Please tell Kayleigh that I found her touching poem to be profoundly sensitive and it would resonate throughout time. Thanks for sharing it with me.

    Love you, Mom

    Thanks again for sharing your incredible gift with us Kay. Mat

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